Heart2Heart Coaching and Mentoring

Designed to help you live the life of your dreams in all areas. I can help you learn how to love and celebrate yourself, access your gifts, and communicate better with others.

You can coach and mentor with me from the coziness and privacy of your own home, through video chat (Zoom, Skype, Messenger, What's App, etc.).

Coaching is available for 1/2 hour sessions, whether once a week, bi-monthly or once a month on a love offering basis.

Building Personal Resilience Mentoring, specifically to learn HeartMath skills is also offered as a 1-hour session once/week, for 4 weeks. For more information on HeartMath check out HeartMath Institute https://www.heartmath.org.

Consider coaching with me to:

1.     Learn practical tools to live life bigger

2.     Enjoy a deeper connection to your heart’s wisdom, which means more guidance from within and clarity on how to express it

3.     Make choices from a more authentic and whole place

4.     Know how to fill your “emotional gas tank” for the drive we call life

5.     Develop more loving and meaningful relationships with all the people in your life, especially you

6.     Experience more peace in your life

7.     Gain greater faith in yourself and your innate abilities

8.     Claim your strengths and gifts

9.     Learn to appreciate how wonderful you already are. Learn how to love and accept yourself—ALL the pieces of yourself—more, just the way you are, so you can live your dreams

10. Live in and from your wholeness every day

My credo for coaching:

No one is an expert on you…except you. What I am an expert at is deeply listening to you, with whole-hearted attention and creating a safe space for you to share and be heard without judgment. I won’t tell you what you should be doing or attempt to fix you. You are already whole so there’s no need for that. What I will do is to give you tools to access and therefore be guided by the wisdom of your own heart. I am here to reflect back to you what I am hearing you say so you can get clearer on what you are saying, feeling, believing and needing in a safe, sacred space.

I intend to see you in your wholeness and remind you that, within you, are all the answers for you. I intend to see what’s right with you and help you focus less on what you perceive as wrong with you.

A deeper explanation of Heart2Heart Mentoring:

I have benefited greatly in my life from 3 practices. The first has been to study and embody universal, timeless spiritual truths. This has taught me that because I am one with all Life, I am the essence of pure Love, regardless of what I have done, not done, said or not said. Furthermore, all I am looking for and needing is already within me and can be expressed from that consciousness of Love to enable me to live the life of my dreams.

The second practice came from Marshall Rosenberg, through his NonViolent Communication tools.  This helped me realize that I often sabotaged myself because I didn’t know what I needed, and when I did, I usually communicated it in such a way as to guarantee I wouldn’t be heard. Learning the “language of feelings and needs”, as Marshall calls it, connected me to self-compassion, which then allowed me to connect more authentically with everyone else. That resonated deeply with me because one of my main needs is living in a more peaceful world where everyone is honored and celebrated.

Third, everything I do and share is heart-led. Rita Marie Johnson inspired and influenced me with her “Connection Practice” program that built on Marshall’s work and combined it with various tools from the HeartMath Institute to establish more connection between the heart and the brain. This inspired me to go deeper and become certified through the HeartMath Institute as a Building Personal Resilience Mentor.

All of these practices have helped me (as well as helping me to help others) to have more clarity and easier access to the wisdom within.

With those three as my foundation, along with many other tools and practices I’ve put in my “medicine bag”, I will help you learn to live life bigger, with a deeper connection to your own heart’s wisdom . This means increased resilience with which to face life’s difficulties and greater acceptance of who you are, with a greater excitement for life and clarity on what you need.