A hands-on healing technique (that does not require disrobing) available through individual sessions that is beneficial for physical ailments and diseases, as well as for mental de-stressing. Healing sessions are usually 30 minutes-1 hour and can be either coupled with meditation and affirmations during the session or done in silence.
Reiki is the Japanese word for Universal Life Force Energy, “Rei” being universal, transcendental spirit, mysterious power or essence; “Ki” being the vital life force energy.
Life is energy. This energy is everywhere, including flowing within us. This energy is what created us and recreates us in every moment. It’s also what keeps our 70 trillion cells in harmony, together doing 600 octillion things in any one second. It is the energy that does the healing, and healing happens no other way. When our life force energy is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stressed, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. Each of us is our own greatest healer. Each of us can (re)connect with and harness this healing energy, however, most of us have not been taught how. Through Reiki we are able to bring ourselves, and others, to a higher vibratory level.
I also teach classes for you to be initiated as a Reiki practitioner, levels 1, 2 and 3 (all available separately).
Level 1 teaches how to give yourself Reiki.
Level 2 enables you to share Reiki with family, friends and clients.
Level 3 is Master level enabling you to teach others Reiki.
Note: Healing sessions and classes available only if you live in S. Lake Tahoe.