“Waking up this morning I smile...24 brand new hours are before me...I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with the eyes of compassion,” Thich Nhat Hanh. Many are the days I have meditated on these words, and so often I have fallen short in it, especially “look at all beings with the eyes of compassion.” So, what do I do when that happens? I have eyes of compassion for myself, that I once again couldn’t do what I intended (although I make it sound so simple here, that was a long, learned process where I often railed against myself, blaming and shaming, for failing once again). And I wake up the next morning, taking to heart that I have 24 brand new hours before me, and I re-commit to my intention to be that compassionate person all over again. And now, here I am in this present moment, so much closer to my goal. Never give up...not on your dreams...not on your intentions...and especially, not on yourself. Today is a good day...and I make it so!!