We all have health scares from time to time. Sometimes real, sometimes imagined. While the outcome of the imagined is often a lot better than the real, while we are in those thoughts it feels just as real and scary. These past few days I went through one of those imaginary ones, and it can be like a runaway train – if we let it. Imagination is a tool that can be our enemy or our ally. So that’s the thing - it’s our thoughts that create the runaway train and we are in charge of our thoughts, and that’s good news! Knowing that there is always an everyday wholeness for me to access, I stopped dancing around the thoughts and faced them. Sometimes we’re afraid to bring them to the light because we think that will make the problem more real. Well, if we’re vaguely thinking of something but “not really,” it’s still pulling us by the nose and running us. We are powerful beyond measure and so I called forth courage as I faced the worst possibilities. I cried some, and then used it to focus on uplifting affirmations to remind myself what was true for me and good in this moment. I opened my heart in gratitude and to what I wanted to continue to focus on in the next moment...and the next. That helped tremendously. We are so much more powerful than we often believe we are. Don’t give up reaching for those positive thoughts! You’re worth it!!