7-26-23 I have said I love all the seasons, each one having its own unique flavor of lessons to share. Summer is about fullness, life expressing its passion and juiciness! My heart has been so full lately from all the summer gifts of ripeness. Stew especially likes peak hiking with all its immense views. At 10,000 feet in elevation there’s nothing blocking you, reminding me to “get high” in my consciousness and see the bigger picture when things are loading me down. I love hikes with water, where the destination is a lake or where streams are flowing. Water’s voice always has a message for me. Sometimes a gentle stream will slow me down, helping me get into my inner stillness. Other times a rushing stream’s flow will help me disperse stuck energy. Well, can you imagine my ecstasy when water everywhere is combined with a peak like on our recent hike?!

We had such an abundant winter that we’re just getting to the high country here, a month later than usual. A few days ago, we challenged ourselves crossing streams and snowpacks. We literally felt like we had been transported to the Garden of Eden. Even though we had been on this hike in other years the elements conspired to make it all new.

I LOVE that about life, it’s always changing, and the old adage, “You can’t step into the same river twice” is sooooo true. That’s another lesson nature reminds me of, the world around me is constantly changing and I, too, am brand new each moment. Unless, of course, I bring my old stuff with me. I can choose to come into each moment full of hope, wonder, awe – the same old same old only applies in minds and old patterns but never never never in life as it unfolds in splendor all around me or in my heart that only knows Love.

We got around a bend on our hike and hundreds of tiger lilies appeared, swaying in the breeze with a waterfall as a backdrop. I was so moved I started crying. In that moment, I was deeply connected to myself and to all of life. There was only Love. I was only Love! I invite you to affirm that for yourself and break the stuck patterns right now. I dare you to do something – anything – that will knock your heart wide open…then look around, with those new eyes.

What moves you? What brings you to stillness? Or tears of gratitude or reverence? And if you don’t know, what are you waiting for? Find out because life is short. And you matter too much and deserve to experience that…often. Now is the time to know what brings you joy and the fullness of life. Yes, shmutz happens -  being in your heart doesn’t prevent shmutz from happening - but it sure helps me have more heart resilience to deal with whatever comes my way.

Today is a good day...and I make it so!