6-16-21 Life is so damn good!! Even when it isn’t – it just depends upon what I’m focusing on, doesn’t it? All the good is still there, but somehow I make it totally disappear when I am focused on what’s wrong, what’s missing. I am constantly amazed, though, at how much my perception can change, and how quickly, when I move my focus to Love. I know I share this with you often, perhaps I sound like a broken record, but I do so because this is the main tool I use for myself and BECAUSE IT WORKS!
Everyone I talk to says they are bent lower than they normally would be, even over the smallest hurt. I know for me, as the world goes up and down on its rollercoaster, it seems more difficult to stay positive these days. Grief adds to grief, and however small each one individually might seem, it feels big in the moment. My body has held these griefs for over a year, and it has taken its toll on me physically and I don’t seem to heal as quickly, pain lingers. That, too, is tiring. I have good days and bad, I have good moments and bad. Sound familiar?
To be resilient is to be able to deal with things when they go wrong. In fact, the main definition of resilient is to return to normal especially when bent, stretched or compressed. Anyone been bent, stretched or compressed lately? Yes, we all have been. We can go into our energy savings account within, and if we’ve been working on building that up it’s easy to make a withdrawal and bounce back. When I’ve depleted my reserves from having to continuously bounce back, it’s easy for me to forget it’s up to me to do something about that, or that I even have that power. I am lucky to have an excellent support system that is definitely part of my resilience. So, let me pay that forward and be part of your support system right now.
Happily, we have within us the greatest healer in the world. It’s called Love and its always on the job waiting for our notice. Stop reading this right now, close your eyes, put your hand on your heart and as you take a deep breathe, say, “Hello Love, I welcome you into my life”………
Didn’t that feel good? For me that moment of invitation is a life changer. Because I’ve worked many years to make Love my ally, now even an instant of aligning with Love grounds my whole being in what is truer, more empowering, more life-giving for me. I can view things in the best light, able to hold the highest vision for myself and the world. I am ready to be a warrior for Love again, with compassion and reverence for all Life as my shield, ready to see the world through eyes of awe, able to give of my gifts once again. Ah, Love is good, and best of all it is free, and never ending. And by the way, happy birthday Ari, and happy mothering day to me. Today is a good day...and I make it so!