My life is reduced to this moment, watching the corn on the camp stove, waiting for the exact time to turn them…my face turned towards the sun’s warmth as it goes down. Happy birthday to me as we wild camp, with no one else around…no sounds, neither human nor motorized, no dogs barking, no distractions of civilization.

The other day we went for a long walk and sat by a river. I asked Stew if he was present or thinking about… (fill in the blank). We both acknowledged that we needed to work a little harder on being more aware of what our brains were engaged in. Over the past 5 months we have been caretakers and there’s been lots of details that needed our attention. That’s all well and good when that is what is needed but not so good when I’m out in nature and I don’t want my mind to be wrapped up in details, when there is nothing that needs doing except for me to “Be”.

Being in my heart and being present with nature, being still in mind and body so I can get to inner peace, allows me to balance out all that doing. It allows me to nurture myself and recharge. It allows me to focus on what’s important, rather than what seems urgent, which so often happens when I’m in the middle of my life. When I’m out in nature, it’s sad to miss out on all the big and little awe moments of Life sharing Itself with me, which is inevitable when I’m in my head re-thinking past situations. When I’m involved in a conversation, it’s sad to miss out on the heart connection possible and the gem of self the other person might be offering me because my head is imagining future outcomes.

So, what is it that will help you get still, let your thoughts go, become more present? Don’t forget to engage in it often, and you don’t have to wait for your birthday. And furthermore, there is no such thing as being too busy. “Being” comes from residing in our hearts and “busy” is a mind thing.

My brain has a lot to offer me, and there is an appropriate time for me to engage its gifts. But I always find it useful to question whether I am giving it the spotlight and letting it hog the show. I have too much to do in my life, and I bet you do, too.  I want to do it from the place of being that accesses my heart, allowing me to be my best self, allowing me to be fully present and engaged, allowing me to know my highest well-being, no matter how much I have to do and whatever difficult situations I’m in the middle of. I bet you do, too. Today is a good day...and I make it so!