Nobody wants to die, and apparently everyone is freaking out that that is going to happen to them, immanently. Over the years I have faced just that possibility quite a few times, some were definitely real, some more in my head. It was the one in my head that taught me the most about facing death. I was in the midst of menopause and out of the blue I got a panic attack (never had one before) and I thought that was it. My best friend, Stew, reminded me that if indeed I was going, was “freaked out” the way I wanted to go? Great question. I immediately started meditating on Love and everything changed for me! That advise helped a lot when a kidney infection landed me in the hospital and numerous other times physical dis-ease became scary.

What does your world look like now? Not a stupid question...I know the world “out there” looks insane right now, but I’m talking about the world that you, and only you, create – your consciousness of being and how you are responding to that insanity. Now more than ever, it is up to each one of us, my friends, to hold and maintain a cloak of peace around us. Whatever you are experiencing, “deep within you is everything that is perfect, ready to radiate through you and out into the world (A Course in Miracles).” I remind you what Sigafoose, one of my greatest mentors, often said, “No retreat, no surrender, take no prisoners”. Be a strict guardian of what you allow into your thoughts. Examine whether you think the universe is a safe place (it sure has supported us for a long time). Choose love instead of fear (there was a time I literally repeated that to myself over and over until I got it). Every time you read or hear something that is scary, stop, breathe into love (visualize it in your imagination, feel it in your body, make love real) and remind yourself you are more in charge of your well-being than people are giving you credit for. Positive thoughts do influence our immune systems positively, as well as a healthy life-style, of course. What better time than now to start one positive habit for yourself? I invite you to join me in the hundredth monkey effect...we can, we do, we will make a difference! Today is a good day...and I make it so!