1-8-22 What do you base your value on, your self-worth? Is it an external thing? Do you only feel you are worthy based on how much you’re accomplishing? For those of you in service professions, is your worth only based on how much you’re giving?
I spent the first 2 years of Covid world re-imagining my worth. Prior to that, for over 20 years, I served in Safe Haven, the chiropractic healing center I co-owned with Stew. For 12 years I served as Spiritual Leader in Unity at the Lake. For 15 years, I traveled to Europe serving chiropractic warriors. When all that stopped, I no longer knew how to define myself, what my identity was, or where I belonged in the world.
This came up recently with a few of my clients and when we explored it in 1 of the groups I’m in, it seems it’s pretty universal that we attach our worth with what our job is and how much we do within that context. One person shared she pours so much time into doing in her job, yet still feels like it’s never enough. And that that feeling leads to the thought, “I’m not enough.” The rest of the group could all relate.
When I no longer had the mirror of folks telling me all the ego stuff of how I’d inspired them, or helped change their life, or how wonderful I was based on what I did with them, I had to ask myself, long & hard, and often, “Who am I?” Mother, lover, inspirer, healer, were some of my answers, many other descriptions followed. Yet when I continued asking the question I was able to get underneath the surface of those roles, as important as they might be, and define myself based on who I am, who my heart defines me as - who I am when I live according to my core values and heart principles.
When I do, I know that Love is my truest essence. I have learned that putting energy and time into getting to know Love-as-me is one of the most important, if not THE most important thing I can do in my life. Then, I show up in more of my moments as Love. I have learned to take my value from, and be proud of, the self-work I apply towards staying in my heart and being true to my principles. How I am in any given moment impacts me, my family, and what is happening in the world. Whether anyone else knows it or not, it matters to ME that I respond with and from Love instead of reacting with impatience or judgment. (And I know it matters to Stew when I respond to him with respect and kindness, and am able to remember how much he means to me). I DETERMINE MY OWN VALUE AND SELF WORTH. I CLAIM IT AND BRING IT FORTH! That is very healing for me and brings me much peace.
Not only does residing in Love make me a better person, it adds that energy out into the world. The world needs healing right now and I know without a doubt that Love is the only miracle that is going to accomplish that. If that doesn’t feed your self-worth, nothing will. Today is a good day...and I make it so!