6-29-23 Stew and I went on a hike last week. We didn’t realize how this particular area had been devastated from a fire a few years back (not the one everyone heard about in the news but an equally devastating although smaller fire in the next county). We shed tears as we hiked and then we began to notice all the amazing green growth all around. It was as if life was quadruple-y concentrated and pouring extra doses of love everywhere we looked.

Looking at this healing of the forest going on around us, we opened up to all of Nature’s messages. Happily, Nature didn’t say to Itself, “I’ve had a rough time here and I’m giving up…I refuse to give forth life here anymore and I’m just gonna sulk…I refuse to share my beauty and gifts because someone’s just going to end up burning them down…and I’m just going to sink down into my own pity party and I’m done.” I must admit that I am very capable of thinking just those kinds of thoughts. And to what purpose? All that does is put me in a small dark box where I stop sharing my light with the world and I shut myself off from my own heart which can help me hold the difficult moments.

It is true that the trees that are gone will not be totally replaced for at least another 100 years. There is a right and proper time to mourn and grieve what is lost or forever changed. It’s important, though, to do it residing in my heart, so my mind and heart are coherent. When I focus on life’s difficulties flying solo in my brain all I see is the chaos and ugliness I and others often create and all I feel is hopelessness.

The new growth, the incredible lushness of the undergrowth and flowers, spoke directly to my heart, saying, “Stay open, stay authentic to yourself and feel everything you’re feeling, and still witness how life doesn’t give up and how beautiful is the phoenix rising from the ashes!”

On another hike there was a rushing river and waterfalls. And there in the midst of the river was a fairly good-sized tree growing. It seemed like a ridiculous place for it to be. Yet, there the seed had landed, and by golly, that tree was giving everything it could towards its growth - and it was thriving. I can do that anywhere, anytime, no matter what is going on around me, or despite what might be going on in my head. And so can you!

And mostly I love being out in Nature because it takes me out of my head, out of my endless wheel of continuous thoughts, most of which are a wo/man-made myth that don’t serve me. Nature soothes my savage beast and tucks me into my heart where I can know there are unlimited possibilities, there’s a rhythm to life, with its cycles and energy flows, my eyes are open to hidden mysteries, and I remember how to Be with life instead of just doing it. Ahhhhhhhhhhh.

Those are some of the reasons I love being out in nature. There’s always an opportunity for heart opening, with its softening and healing. There’s always a metaphor for life that is exactly perfect for what I’m dealing with in that moment. There’s always something I’ll experience that strengthens my hope and/or awe muscles. What are some of your reasons? Today is a good day...and I make it so!