2-1-24 I reprinted this blog I wrote 4 years ago, with some minor changes. I hope you don’t mind but it resonates a lot with me now, and I hope it does for you, too.



What does your world look like now? I don’t mean the world out there, I think we’d all agree it’s pretty dismal, although even then, when I look more closely, I find many examples of compassion, kindness and caring. But that’s another topic. I’m asking you about the world that you, and only you, create – your consciousness -- and how you are responding to the external insanity. Now more than ever, it is up to each one of us, my friends, to hold and maintain a cozy, warm cloak of peace around us.

Whatever is going on around me, I always remember words from A Course In Miracles, which I studied for quite a few years: “Deep within you is everything that is perfect, ready to radiate through you and out into the world.” That means that within me lies the wholeness and perfection of love, with its peace, ease, strength and hope. It’s always there, waiting to be accessed, but I so often let myself get distracted by the external. Then my head only screams gloom and doom, and feelings of chaos and despair are not far behind.

I remind you (as I remind myself) of additional powerful words, these from Sigafoose, one of my greatest mentors, who often said, “No retreat, no surrender, take no prisoners”. Taking these words to heart, I have become a strict guardian of what I allow into my thoughts. IT’S ALWAYS MY CHOICE. So, I invite you to engage in some self-inquiry:  explore your dominant thoughts, feelings words, and actions and notice whether or not they reveal that you believe and trust in a safe universe and that love will prevail. Or do they reveal a hidden counter belief?

You and I can choose love instead of fear at any given moment, regardless of whatever else we’ve chosen in the past. There was a time I literally repeated that to myself over and over until it stuck and I got it.

Join me in slowing down and becoming more aware of your thoughts…paying attention to whether you’re in your head and letting the world rule you or you’re in your heart and influencing the world…living more heartfully from the wholeness of love. Every time I read or hear something that is scary or just f****g unbelievable, I stop, go to my heart, and breathe into love. I visualize love in my imagination, I feel it in my body, I make it real and accessible and I remind myself I am in charge of my well-being. I’m also in charge of what energies I put out into the world. It’s time for a love revolution. We can - we do - we will - make a difference! Today is a good day...and we make it so!