7-20-22 It is summertime in Tahoe, which means lots of hiking for me. Which, in turn, means a glory of flowers with their fragrances and colors, endless lakes and rivers to immerse in, and peaks to climb with their big vistas. Everything is perfect and wonderful…I am so present with the amazing life all around. I have indulged in many grand hikes lately and I’m feeling very blessed and grateful for my life.
That being said, here I am in my life, everything is wonderful, and then suddenly, discord shows up, either from something Stew said or something a friend did or didn’t do. A stray thought makes its presence known that “they” are wrong and that’s all it takes; one moment I’m in gratitude and bliss and it’s incredible how quickly I will follow that stray thought to, “everything is wrong.”
Have you ever noticed the difference between hanging out in your brain and hanging out in your heart? I don’t know about you, but my experience is a whole lot more enjoyable when I’m residing in my heart. My brain demands that things look a certain way and, of course when they don’t, it engages in making me miserable until the world conforms to those limitations. My heart knows only love, however, because it’s present in the only moment when love is ever available…now! When I am aligned with love, everything is always alright and I feel more peaceful and clear since I am more connected to my own heart’s inner wisdom.
When my brain is engaged in guerilla warfare, I take everything it says as “gospel” and I’m full speed ahead on rollercoaster rides that only take me places I don’t want to go. When I apply “the pause” – when I engage my heart - I create space around what my brain has been shouting so loudly that I can’t see or hear anything else. Aligned with love, I can recognize the new pathways that my heart has forged. I can hear the gentle and compassionate voice of my heart telling me I am safe and that I am being held in love. In this brand-new silence, I can even hear that I AM love. Which means I have everything I need within me. Which means that I am more than enough to solve my brain’s emergency in a way that is nurturing and empowering for me, as well as for anyone else involved. Which means that love is my ally and will ensure that compassionate connection, kindness and respect will be part of my new perspective. The entire universe has just come together for me and joined in on a conspiracy on my behalf. Ahhhh, I’m breathing better already, aren’t you? Today REALLY REALLY is a good day...and I make it so!