
It’s a brand-new year. Welcome 2020! My family has an annual New Year’s Eve ritual and part of it is to write a Truth Statement of how I want to be, how I want to show up in my coming year. I don’t do resolutions anymore because they always seemed to be about what was wrong with me, how I should fix myself. Doing a Truth Statement feels more empowering because it takes what issues I’m working on and focuses on the strengths of me instead of the weaknesses. It reminds me of the consciousness of Be-ing I want to bring forth in every moment...and that I want all my do-ings to flow from that bigness of me. Then I know that my life has a better chance of succeeding on all levels.

It doesn’t matter if you’re reading this in January, February or June; each moment is always new and an excellent time to create your own Truth Statement. I also invite you to create your own ritual in the doing of it. I’m big on rituals. It turns “ordinary” moments into sacred, helping me to be more aware and conscious and see the wonder and infinite possibilities that were always there and were just waiting for me to see them.

Good morning my precious Life? I Am ready to show up as my Best Self. My heart is open and there is only Love flowing in, flowing out.

I have such a good life and all I need is supplied from within (me).

Lightness of Be-ing and Joy are my constant companions of choice, creating my perfect day.

I Am responsible for the peace of my life. So I forgive myself in easy compassion for my judgmental thoughts. I transform them into allies by shining the light on what’s missing for me, what I need.

I Am fully present with each moment’s gift and all my interactions are loving and kind.

All I give returns to me as the fullness of Life’s celebration and abundance.Love-I-Am is my truth and my strength. Returning to Love-I-Am as often as I need to is also my strength. Today is a good day. I hold this for myself and all beings. Aho