2013 An Affirmative Prayer to Meditate on

I open to the Spirit of Life within me and all around me, and so I am with Love. I breathe in love…I breathe out Love and I am right in the center of this Great Love…. I feel safe, nurtured, and uplifted. Who I am expands beyond who I think I am as all my self-imposed boundaries melt away…I am one with all LIfe. Right here, right now in this sacred moment I know Love as the truth of my being…I hold Love as the truth for all beings

I am the face of Love, looking at the face of Love, in all moments, everywhere I go, no matter whom I am looking upon. Love breathes me….love in….love out…..no beginning….no end

Healing Love surrounds me…surrounds all the forms of Life on this planet…surrounds this beautiful living planet. I continue to breathe in Love…know mySelf as Love

I am so grateful for this conscious dance of oneness…I breathe in Love…I fill up on strength…hope…compassion…connection. I breathe out Love…I see the world filled up on strength…hope…compassion…connection

I walk back into the world, renewed, giving thanks that my life outflows from this place of centered being… Love is… I am That…Love is…we are That…Peace is…I am not alone…together we create a circle of peace…we create a world at peace…together, one heart at a time, we celebrate the fullest expression of Love, in all its diversity, as each one of us. Aho