
I believe that each one of us, no matter our circumstances, can make a difference by being mindful to where we are in our consciousness. When we have positive thoughts, we feel positive. When we choose to be positive, we can lift ourselves up in difficult circumstance; when we are feeling positively, we can share loving and peaceful energy with the people we come into contact with in our daily lives and we can send positive energy out into the world. That may not seem like you’re doing anything useful, but I believe it’s one of the most powerful things you can do. It makes a difference to the world collectively and individually. The 100th monkey principle says that my energy added to yours and yours and yours changes actions. I know that that’s what was the tipping point for the Berlin Wall coming down, peacefully, and so many other positive world events. When you share love with someone, it certainly makes a difference to that one person, check out “the starfish story.”  And it definitely makes a difference to us. When we connect to our heart’s joy, we remember what’s important and not only does it help to give us a different perspective but that joy allows us resilience to go on when things feel tough.

Things have been tough around here lately with lots of time and energy devoted to my husband, Stew’s 88-year-old mom, who just broke her hip and wasn’t recovering so well or so quickly. Everyday wholeness, no matter what else is going on, is also about self-care. Yesterday I came home close to sunset. It was kinda late for a ski, and not the best conditions, and I was pretty tired already, but you know what, it was probably one of the best skis. It was only a ½ hour, I didn’t go all out, but I sure enjoyed it, as I breathed in the beauty all around me, connected gently to the beauty within me, and was grateful for my life. I’m ready for tomorrow! Don’t forget yourself as you care for others and carry the world on your shoulders.