Recently I shared with a coaching client that he was the expert on himself (not me) and I was simply there to remind him of what he already knew. He laughed and shared the story of Ram Dass who told his audience, “You already have everything you need within you but you seem to want to hear my words so I’ll speak...” Yes, I love that! My client and I continued the discussion about how some teachers make it seem like they have all the answers and, furthermore, the answers they found were achieved easily. I’m telling you that everyone has struggled, has had dark nights of the soul, has had doubts and negative thoughts about themselves. People are often amazed when I tell them I still have many doubts and am not always so confident about sharing my gifts. That’s when I ask for help; I ask my good friends and support team to remind me of my bigness, to remind me that I am whole however I show up and that within me is everything I need to achieve my greatness and everyday wholeness. Then I can remember for myself that even my doubts are part of my wholeness. Ah, life is good!