11-22-23 I’m back after 2½ weeks away to Toronto (Stew had a gig there), and 2 Chiropractic from the Heart workshops, 1 in England and 1 in Spain. I love my life! It might be worth honestly asking yourself if you love your life. Cuz if you don’t, now would be the time to do something about that (and of course I can help you with that).
So, a friend asked me if the workshops energized me or depleted me. Good question. And the honest answer is they do both. I hold a container so folks feel safe and seen and heard, and that takes sustained focus and presence. Some of what we do there is very physically demanding on me, as well. And it’s a lot of energy; there are more people than I am usually around when I’m home. So, I do feel a little drained and that’s why it’s important that I do my own work in between sessions, heal my stuff and clear out as much as I can. More often than not, a major part of my healing involves simply acknowledging stuff and unconditionally loving myself even with that. That builds up my resilience as well so I can give as much as I do and hold the container.
Overall, though, the workshops absolutely nurture and energize me. I’m surrounded by like-minded folks who love what I love. I am always filled with awe at the courage, honesty and vulnerability they express. I am nourished by their trust in me (and Stew). I am lifted up by all the love, tears and laughter that’s shared. I feel my own self-imposed boundaries melt away, my heart bursts wide open and I experience a deep connection to each person present. I am bathed in Love’s deep healing. So, thank you to all the warriors who participated!
There is no greater gift than knowing that l deserve love…no matter what I have done or left undone…no matter what I have said, or think I should have said…no matter what crazy, terrible, hateful, judgmental thoughts I entertain…I deserve love! Always! And so do you! I invite you to say exactly that to yourself now – and as often as you can – and say it with deep love and feeling for your awesome self.
So, if you’ve been holding out on giving yourself love, it doesn’t matter. It only matters that you begin the journey now. It’s the most important thing you can do for yourself, your loved ones, those you serve, and the world. Reach out to me, to someone else, or a group where you live, or just start doing the work yourself (I have found it’s easier to do the work with support). You deserve it, and so do we. Today is a good day...and I make it so!