The lyrics to an old Jefferson Airplane song go, “It takes time to love and open minds to love and who's got time on their hands?” Well, apparently, we all do. In talking to a school nurse the other day, I applauded her for enjoying and making the most of her forced time. She shared that some other co-workers were having difficulty doing that since they felt guilty to be enjoying it. If you are finding yourself in that same situation, it might help to ask yourself 2 questions: Will my being miserable/feeling guilty help the situation? And Is it true that there is nothing I can do? For me, both answers are a resounding NO! When we spend time loving ourselves, whether doing things we love or learning new things we might love to do, spending more time with family, pursuing creativity or immersing in quiet reflective time/self-inquiry work (and hopefully a good balance of all that), we help to bring positive energy into the world.
A few days ago, Stew & I did a spring equinox ceremony throughout the day. We lit a candle, made a globe, centered ourselves in Love, and sent out Love blessing all the countries, waters, and living creatures. We balanced it with some fun, looking at flower pictures (even as we’re surrounded by snow), and listened to Jefferson Airplane (of course) and danced. The candle is still lit, sitting next to our globe, reminding me to send out love to the world each time I pass it. Together, with every loving thought, we are helping each other get through this, regardless of any differences of opinion regarding it all. Today is a good day...and I make it so!
If this is your first visit, welcome! These are my musings of what it’s like to be me on this human journey. I hope it inspires and uplifts you to know that you are not alone in your crazy thoughts, and that despite them, you can - and do - make a difference in the world!!!! I also hope to remind you, often, that you are special, that the pain you feel in your heart from real and imagined wounds is a precious gift - to you and the world - and that because of them you have unique gifts to share with the world.