Thoughts are swirling in my head leading to feelings of anger, worry, despair, fear (I could go on and on but I’m sure you get the picture since you have your own thoughts.) These kinds of thought are getting me nowhere and I am in charge of the peace in my life so right now I choose to stop!

“Take a still with this moment of Life that knows nothing about the state of the world and everything about Love. Ah, that’s better. I place myself right in the middle of this great Love...I let it soothe my worried mind, ease my sorrowful heart. I focus only on breathing in Love...letting it fill me...surround me...I breathe out Love. Love washes over me like a refreshing, cleansing waterfall...I am strengthened and renewed, ready to move through my day again in the consciousness of Be-ing, empowered by Love – I am a warrior for peace!”

I invite you to re-read this paragraph as often as you need to throughout your day. Breathe in and out of Love as long as it takes until you can maintain that place of peace as you do what is yours to do today. I, myself, might have to stay consciously breathing for a while and that’s OK with me. Love is the only place I want to reside. I might go sledding, too; I think that will also do it for me. Today is the best day ever – well, maybe not, but I’m going to do my darndest to make it so.