8-11-21 In a recent meditation, I came up with a fantastic and what seems to be very needed way to offer my services. I will now be offering one-time mentoring calls (or two or three) to help you move through feeling stuck, thinking negatively, clarifying a specific issue, or overcoming a challenge.

I am a master at one-on-one, moment-by-moment inspiration. So often I have had people come to me stuck in their feelings (like overwhelm, anger, confusion or hopelessness) and thinking there’s no way out and/or there’s something wrong with them. However, after only a few minutes together focusing on what’s right and true about them, things tend to turn 180 degrees.

I have an amazing ability to honor you right where you are so you can honor YOURSELF right where you are (that’s very important). And because I am on the outside looking in, I also see you in your bigness, your more than enough-ness. Together, we can turn that hard-to-be-with-moment around and draw forth the strength that’s within you…the strength that is always within you but you just forgot!

I am an incredible gift you can give yourself!

So, I am here for those of you who want to continue to do ongoing weekly mentoring AND for those of you who just want a quick, inspirational, life-changing pick-me-up chat, whether once, occasionally, or as often as you need. Your choice, all on a love offering basis.

Here’s some words from Sherry, whom I supported in this way: “Whenever I share my life challenges with Hillary, she listens for a long while before subtly reminding me to come back to my core values. Her compass is oriented towards love, gratitude, self-compassion and authenticity. And she perpetually helps me to remember those are my guide posts as well. I always feel emotionally renewed and reconnected to my core values after any time spent with Hillary.”

Today is a good day...and I make it so!