8-19-21 Last week was fantastic, with lots of awesome and nurturing outdoor adventures. Being in nature always helps me stay strong, which was important as the world once again turned away from connection, and “normal” looked more and more like vaccination cards would be required for everything I want to do. Then the ash started falling from a new fire burning nearby, outside looked like the apocalypse, and it was hard to be outside. I was definitely experiencing overwhelm. I did for myself what I preach, teach and counsel to everyone else. I stopped everything, rather than continue another minute in feeling morose and detached from my heart, and instead chose to connect with my heart.
From that expanded space of Love, I was, first of all, able to acknowledge my feelings instead of running from them, and second, connect those feelings directly to my needs that weren’t getting met. Finally, giving myself lots of acceptance and compassion, I could mourn all of that, release it appropriately and see if there was a solution. My heart was now open and I could perceive things from the highest perspective of Love’s healing and see if there was something more constructive I could do with the energy.
Love always helps me to see more uplifting possibilities, like remembering what I have to be grateful for. Even in the most difficult of circumstances, when I’m connected to my heart, I find endless reasons for gratitude.
When people are going through something hard and it seems as if it’s never going to end, I’ll often ask them to reflect on this question: “Assuming it is true that this is never going to end, how would you then choose to live with it?” Pondering that for myself helped me clarify some heartful solutions. Even cooler is that I came away with more resilience and resolve. If, indeed, things continue as they are now, then it would be even more important for me to live from my standards of integrity and from Love. After connecting in with my heart I knew with great certainty that I could still do that. And I would do that!
I will stand firmly on the fertile ground of Love, Be-ing Love, expressing Love with compassion and gentle acceptance, both for myself and for those who are making different choices than I am. Yes, now I am back to my everyday wholeness and able to be a warrior.
I invite you to indulge in a little “me” time for yourself right now or whenever you are feeling so stressed out and overwhelmed that you’re detached from your heart, and therefore from your best self. We don’t have to be afraid of the times when we feel less strong. We can simply acknowledge them for letting us know we need to recharge our battery and spend some quiet time with our heart. We are all warriors.
Today is a good day...and I make it so! www.everydaywholeness.net