1-10-23 Happy 2024 my friends. When I talk to people at this time of the year, invariably I get asked the question, “What New Year resolutions did you make?” My answer is absolutely none, I’m not a big fan as they have always tended to contribute to me feeling bad about myself, somewhere down the road, when I realized I hadn’t followed through. Sound familiar?
I have a different suggestion…I make an intention for myself. It narrows down to a single moment…this moment. I intend to go to my heart and remember Love is my source and my truest essence, and therefore, an active resource for me. Always working, always available. So, when I’m in the midst of difficulty, I can pause, breathe and ask for my heart’s wisdom, taking it forward.
Sometimes, though, I forget to do this. Instead, I entertain strange thoughts, I make mistakes, I’m unskillful in my communication, and yet…there is always some moment when I remember my intention.
Whether I remember it quickly or slower IT DOESN’T MATTER. Yes, perhaps I’ve been forgetful, unkind, judgmental or afraid. Yes, I’ve probably created complications in my head and in my relationships because of my forgetfulness (AKA being human) but IT DOESN’T MATTER. All that matters is the present moment when I say yes to Love. All that matters is that I acknowledge myself as Love, and, therefore, loved and loveable as well as capable of loving.
As I truly listen with the ears of my heart, I simply feel love filling me, opening my heart and softening my hard edges. I can now be receptive to my heart’s wisdom. Sometimes it tells me that I have to make amends, or it allows me to see from a different perspective. Then my natural kindness, compassion and joy kick in, flowing out of me, connecting me to the greater world, creating a healing.
I came here to be Love. I stand firm in my intention to say YES to Love in every moment, and certainly if I’m not achieving that, it’s OK, because my intention takes me into a future where I am Love in more of my moments, and gentler and kinder with myself when I forget. Aho to all of that! Will you join me? Today is a good day...and I make it so!