10-11-23 I was waiting to get my oil changed. My phone was without a charge. My computer, which I brought to do work, didn’t have a connection to internet. I tried meditating but the music was blasting and definitely not “my style”. What’s a body to do? In one of my last posts I wrote about “killing time” and not being in favor of it. Here was another opportunity to look at that and I invite you to, as well. How often, for instance, do you fill up time by running to your cellphone…for example, when you’re in your car and stop at a light, do you immediately reach for your cellphone?
At the oil change station, I chose to breathe into my heart and transform my impatience into being with the present moment, and immediately felt love well up within me. I started looking at the young men working all around me and was able to see how hard they were working, and I sent them love. I was grateful for not having to work so hard like that which expanded into being grateful for my own experience of living a thriving life. Do you see how one moment can expand into the next changing the scenery?! Then I sent out that renewing energy to all those beings around me, for them to feel and know how good life is and to have their own dream life experiences.
With the music blasting, my guy is shouting at me to turn my lights on and off. I had a little trouble hearing him, but I ultimately did. In the moment there was gratitude for my hearing. I remembered that yesterday I was seated at a small creek, and the sound of the gentle ripples over the rocks was so peaceful. Being reminded of that hike, I also felt grateful for my eyes, blessing them for allowing me to see all the beautiful changing autumn colors. Feeling good, my body even started moving and grooving to the (still loud) beat.
There’s always something to be grateful for if I look for it. The good news is that when I am entertaining a gratitude consciousness I am tending to my own well-being. I experience renewing or regenerative feelings which takes me into a coherent state, that energetic state of being where I am able to draw upon my best self when my most empowering thoughts are easily available and my body is rebuilding itself in ease and strength.
I hope I am inspiring you to realize how powerful you are. You can always bring in a positive energy and a new perspective to whatever is going on in your life and certainly, around the world. One more example, if you’ll indulge me. The window washer, Chris was here and he was ready to do the outside. I tell him, “Let me know if you need anything.” He says, “Yea, peace in the world.” I respond, “I’m working on it,” to which he replies, “Work harder.” He’s joking, but I’m not. I truly believe that every time I choose a peaceful thought, especially in the face of conflict in my personal life, and even with what’s going on in the world, I add peaceful energy into the world’s energy field, making it one smidgeon more possible to find peaceful solutions.
That goes for all of us. What you’re thinking and feeling makes a difference! You might be feeling hopeless at the world situation or how your life is going, but, please, keep aligning yourself with your heart. Every single time makes a difference! That is one of the most important and powerful actions you can take.
So, I realized, when Chris said, “Work harder,” I can. There are still so many times I’d rather be right rather than loving. There are still moments where I unwittingly dismiss someone because they have a different opinion. I still sometimes let myself unconsciously get away with “they” language, talking about 1 person and lumping them with a whole group. I am so grateful to have the tools to know I matter, that I’m powerful, and I can make a difference. Today is a good day...and I make it so!