10-3-23 The following “6 Practices of Integrity” came up in my calendar book this month. It caught my interest because integrity is one of my power words. Here are my thots on what was presented (the following is their specific order):

1.Think Before We Act. Do you already know what I’d say to this? Hopefully, because it’s really all I talk about and the only thing that matters and makes a true difference. Go to your heart! First. Second. Third. When I do that, all that I do is an expression of Love as the truth of me.

2.Never Commit To Anything Where We Lack Passion. Love this one. Doing something without passion is a great clue that I am motivated from “I should do this” and disconnected from the heart, life and power of who I want to be. Even if I feel I have no choice, I still have a choice in what kind of energy I can put into doing something.

3. Keep Your Word. Definitely a biggie in the integrity department and is extremely important to me. “Flakey” is a word we attribute to people who say they’ll do something and don’t follow through. We all know them, perhaps you even have a friend you label that way. We laugh about it, because after all, they’re good-hearted people. Yet, I believe we are all guilty of not following through on our word to ourselves to some degree. That makes me very sad because we don’t realize that when we don’t keep our word, we are fragmenting ourselves. Unconsciously, we are sabotaging ourselves from being our biggest best self and that’s an unnecessary tragedy.

4. Always Treat Others With Respect. If I am living according to my principles, AKA being in integrity, how could I do otherwise? This has been one of my life-long learning lessons, and one where I still struggle. When I make others wrong, I am out of integrity, and I suffer. And so I’m learning to treat MYSELF with respect and not allow myself to get away with such unacceptable behavior (in my case, thoughts). It always starts with me and ends with me, thank goodness.

5. Tell The Truth. This one is like #3. Many of us don’t outright lie but we’re pretty comfortable with white lies. We believe that a white lie is preferable to causing unnecessary hurt. I would ask you to examine this belief. When I used to indulge in white lies it was more likely that I was more concerned with myself and not having to deal with the consequences of being honest.  My friends tell me I’m the most honest person they know. Stew knows I never lie. I’m proud of that. Even a hard truth can be shared compassionately, and in that vulnerability more connection is created. That’s the kind of world I want to live in.

6. Always Favor Action. There’s a native American quote I love, “When you pray, move your feet”. But I also know that they sat in the stillness for as long as it took to get heart-centered before taking any action. This is my practice, too. And sometimes my guidance is a “sacred no”. When I give myself time to be in the stillness it helps me to take right action, as well as what actions to NOT take. I am very action-oriented, but I also advocate a slowed-down life. I choose to not be wrapped up in busy-ness, even though that is the world I see all around me. I am the change I wish to see in the world. Today is a good day...and I make it so!