1-7-22 [Because you’re part of my circle, or support group, I’m asking you to take a moment and read the following. If it doesn’t resonate with you personally, would you please help me with my mission and share this information with everyone you feel might benefit? And if you feel right about doing that, would you also please preface it and let them know you know me and that I’m sincere and trustworthy (cuz it all might seem a little weird, especially the love offering part?)

A 4 week session offered on a Love Offering basis to BOOST RESILIENCE, COMPOSURE AND CLARITY!

As you might know, I have been using HeartMath (HM) tools for over 10 years in my personal and professional life. For those of you who aren’t familiar with HM, it is a system of research-based, coherence-building skills designed to use on-the-go that helps us bring our physical, mental and emotional systems into balance and connect with our heart’s intuitive guidance.

I recently became certified as a HM Building Personal Resilience Mentor. To do that, I had to dive deeply into the program and thank goodness because I truly believe it helped me through one of the toughest periods of my life. We have all lived through one of the most overwhelmingly stressful periods in history, due to Covid. For me, on top of that, since August I dealt with evacuation from my home for 3 weeks due to fire, as well as my mother-in-law’s, and my dog’s, increasing care needs. You, no doubt, have your own stressors. With HM I was able to stay grounded in my heart, accessing my inner strength and well-being. It also helped me to keep my emotions from overwhelming me so I could find my best solutions. Most of all, HM helped me to regain my peace of mind…over and over again.

Are you interested in more tools to connect you with your heart’s strength and wisdom? If so, learning and applying HM tools can help you:

---have more resilience to overcome stress and overwhelm

---feel more at ease and peaceful                                                              

---fill and maintain your inner energy reservoir

---have more resilience

---become more aware of what energizes you and what depletes your energy

---connect to your creativity and access your best solutions…

I am more passionate than ever about sharing these tools. I am therefore   offering one-on-one mentoring on a Love Offering basis, the way I offered my gifts for over 20 years (which means you get to decide to compassionately gift me back – or not - based on value received and/or personal finances). We would meet, ideally, 1 hour/week over 4-6 weeks, in person or zoom.

This is my way of saying thank you in gratitude for my life. It’s my way of helping to create the kind of world I want to live in. This is how I’ve lived my life…giving myself away.

You matter…you deserve to live a heart-led life, thriving and being able to enjoy life more fully! Email bittmanbliss@att.net or text 530-318-2374 (out of North America add +1)


In peace, Hillary Bittman